Spring Cleanse by Lauren Hanna



Welcome Spring.  We all know about spring cleaning. But in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine practice of India, spring is the time for an inner cleanse. 

They believe that during the winter we build up “ama” or toxins in our system from eating heavy foods and being more sedentary. To harmonize with nature, it is suggested that we purify our systems by cleansing our bodies.

Sometimes the transition from winter to spring can be challenging. Many of us feel heavy and lethargic. 

I’ve been spring cleansing in some form or another for many years and it never fails to improve my energy level, brighten my complexion and awaken my mood. 

In addition you will find your Yoga practice will dramatically improve as clearing the “ama”  from your system will make you more flexible, more balanced and improve your overall strength. 

This is my favorite Spring Cleanse Protocol it’s called the Kundalini cleanse by Deva Khalsa.

If you are a first-time cleanser it might be a bit drastic for you so you can always modify and just replace your morning meal with the 4 cups of juice in the am, or omit the “green only days”, or modify in any way that makes you feel comfortable.

I am providing a general outline here but if you want to do the full cleanse you can find the link here: Kundalini Cleanse

You can just purchase the cleanse manual to guide you. Enjoy!

Kundalini 10 Day Cleanse Outline:

Day 1, 2, 9, 10 :  Eat any vegetable, quinoa, millet, raw nuts and seeds soaked for 2 hours, and organic cold pressed non-hydrogenated oils.  Herbal teas.

Day 3-5: Eat same as above, eliminate nuts + seeds + Liver Flush

Day 6-8: All green days, eat only green vegetables

Every Day: Start each day with 4 cups of fresh vegetable juice.

Every Day: Drink Master Cleanse Lemonade, Herbal tea and Water throughout the day.

32 Ounces Purified Water
1 lemon
11/2 Tbs Real Maple Syrup
1 pinch ground cloves or ¼ tsp whole cloves

LIVER FLUSH : To cleanse and support the liver and gall bladder.

The Liver flush is a love-hate relationship, some love it, and some hate it. Check it out and see how you feel. For the first time don’t try it as you are running out to work just in case you get nauseous which can be a symptom from liver detoxing. Drink daily over an extended time period to experience its effects. ‘Garlic is an antibacterial, Parsley detoxes the kidneys, Oranges have a high content of beta-carotene.

41/4 cup purified or spring water to facilitate the blending process
1/4 tsp whole cloves
1 pinch of cayenne pepper or a small piece of a fresh jalapeno
3 sprigs of parsley
1 clove of garlic
2 oranges or tangerines, peeled, (cut off the peel and leave the white stuff on and chop into pieces)
1/2 grapefruit, peeled (cut off the peel and leave the white stuff on and chop into pieces)
1/2 lemon, peeled (remove the peel and leave the white stuff on and chop into pieces)
1–2 inches of fresh ginger, peeled
2 Tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive, flax or hemp oil

Drink first thing in the morning. Start adding the ingredients listed above one at a time while blending. Add olive oil last. Blend, approximately 1–2 minutes, until smooth. More water may be added if it is too thick. If you have a known sensitivity to oranges use 2 grapefruits instead. Personally, I prefer it unstrained and then it is like a smoothie.

Enjoy !

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