944 8th Ave Suite 1

Featured Teacher: Babette Godefroy

I practice yoga every day, regardless of what’s going on in my life. I come to my mat when I’m happy, when I’m down, when I’m feeling strong and when I’m feeling low in energy; the mat and my practice is where I process it all.

This week, a dear friend of mine confided in me as she was struggling with a seemingly opposing emotional dynamic, she said: “I go back and forth from feeling the need to embrace everything, to feeling like nothing really matters.” I told her to not be so hard on herself as both of those concepts are truly one and the same, but that we can find peace of mind if we seek out a middle path. Getting curious about and exploring the idea that everything matters but that yet non of it really does, is such a liberating perception – to me at least.
My practice helps me to let whatever comes, come; to let whatever stays, stay and to let whatever goes, go. As we move – on and off the mat – I think it’s vital to allow ourselves to eb and flow between embracing everything and detaching while we continuously aim to work our way (back) to that middle path over and over again throughout our days, throughout our practice.

No matter what, we keep flowing through it all – lets move through what we go through.”
In health, namaste,
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