Featured Alumni: Mikaela Brandon

TT NL (4)

Where has Yoga taken you?

Yoga has taken me deeper into myself.

How did your yoga teacher training influence your life?

The yoga teacher training introduced me to a plethora of new concepts. Plenty of connections were made and significant growth occurred. Confession: I thought yoga was the physical practice. And within the first day of the 200hr, I learned that yoga is an entire tree of which asana is just one branch. Since then, my life has changed. I honor the yogic journey in ways that I never knew were a part of yoga. My health, nutrition, sleeping habits, lifestyle, relationships, etc. It is new and exciting and it feels good to be in love!

What was your first yoga class experience?

I was first introduced to yoga in high school. I grew up dancing at a small studio in my hometown and a few of my teachers were also yoga teachers. I remember loving how it felt and being far off the ground in pigeon pose. I am grateful.

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