The Fire of Transformation for Self-Care by Lauren Hanna


Dear Teachers,

We are living through a very challenging time right now. As teachers, we are being called to help heal the pain that much of the world is experiencing right now.  To be able to step up and serve with balance and integrity it is now more important that we make time for self-care and integrate the ritual practices of Yoga that will help us to keep ourselves healthy and well. 

I’m sharing some wisdom that’s been passed down to me from my teachers on the power of Agni, the Fire element as a practice for self-care. 

This element is one of the most powerful healing tools available to us.

The fire element is transformative, it can help to shift and change energy and to dissolve and purify what we don’t need.

Often when we are faced with challenging times we go into the earth or air energy. In the earth energy we get stagnant and stuck we experience overwhelm and can find it difficult to act. We enter the state of inertia or Tamas. 

In the air element we experience stress and get over activated, we find ourselves busying ourselves with multiple activities to distract ourselves from the problems at hand. We over work and over perform. We go into the Rajasic state. 

But when we use the Fire element to heal, we act, we purify, we cleanse, we release, we shift energy, we create change and allow ourselves to open to new and fresh circumstances. We open to the state of Sattva or clarity. 

One of the most effective ways to work with the fire element is to perform a Smudge Ceremony,

In the outline below I will describe the exact steps to heal through the practice of smudging using the Fire element as a healing ritual. 

I hope you take some time to incorporate this purifying practice into your self-care routine so that you may become a clear channel,  which the healing magic of the universe can move through. 

Many Blessings, 


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