Conflict, Unity + Peace by Lauren Hanna


Conflict, Unity + Peace By Lauren hanna

Conflict, Unity + Peace

Namaste Dear Students,

As we visited the area of Mount Sinai, in Egypt 2 weeks ago, we were guarded by two police vehicles as we were entering a “conflict zone.” At the very same time, Russia began the invasion of Ukraine.

I cannot imagine what the Ukrainian people are feeling at this time, but I do know that my experience of the energy of conflict was powerful and deeply unsettling. Even though we may be far away, this invasion is having a strong effect on each one of us.

My African/Middle Eastern pilgrimage to Egypt and Jordan was an eye-opening experience as it always is when you travel halfway around the planet and immerse yourself in a completely different culture.

I learned so much from the beautiful Muslim people of Egypt and the Bedouin tribes of Jordan. It was a powerful opportunity to discuss our differences, similarities and perceptions of one another.

What a gift to feel the hearts of these deeply spiritual people who are guided respectfully from the wisdom of Allah and the sands and skies of the desert.

What I learned is that we are all one, no matter how different our lifestyles, our dress, our religions, we are all searching for love, for peace, for unity. That we share the same values of family, friendships and community. That we all yearn for peace in all its forms.

I encourage you to heighten the vibration of peace on the planet today right now. We all hold the ability to create change, to make a difference. The time is now.

Start with yourself, ask the questions, Am I at peace? Do I communicate the essence of peace in my family, with my friends, in my community? How can I live a more peaceful life? What are the practices I can incorporate to spread a greater message of peace out into the world?

Begin with yourself and let the circle of peace grow.

Here is a simple meditation and mantra to get you started.
Visualize peace within your own heart, peace in your family, your community, your country, places of conflict, in the hearts of all beings, the world, and the universe. Listen here.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Many Blessings

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