Love YOURSELF by Lauren Hanna


Love YOURSELF by lauren hanna

Namaste Dear Sonic Community,
So I was scrolling through IG and I came across this meme that said something like we spend so much time and effort on self-improvement, we are constantly working to up level our life. Whether it’s doing more Yoga, learning to meditate, eating better, working harder, or just being better at any number of things. Our modern lives are filled with focusing on what or who or where we want to be…….

And so little time is left to just appreciate ourselves just how we are, to celebrate our gifts, our talents and accomplishments.

Why is that? Why don’t we have a national holiday where we can honor and celebrate ourselves?

So, my gift to you this month is to take some time to love and appreciate you!

And because it’s so easy for our thoughts to get washed away and replaced by some negative self-talk. I’m going to suggest you put this in writing. When we write it makes something real and permanent.

I’ve created a very special practice where you can put into words on paper how much you love yourself.

Yes, you are going to sit down, and you are going to full on praise yourself.

Acknowledging the light. Your light!

In the Yoga tradition we use the image of the lotus flower to represent the transformation from darkness to light.

Have you ever seen one?  Well, I have to tell you it’s one of the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen.

The lotus flower grows in a murky swamp filled with darkness and it blossoms into a radiant light filled flower.

We all have both within the darkness or the shadow and the light.  Parts of the darkness we release, but some of it we just need to accept. We can learn and grow from it.

But the light is ours to celebrate as well.  It is our essence and the essence of all that is.

So, in this exercise we are going to focus on the flower and the beauty that is you!

Of course, no one has to ever see this letter, but if you are really brave you are going to share it with someone.

Love Letter to You

1. Dear (Insert Special Name):

I want you to begin the letter with a secret name that you make up for yourself, a pet name a name that makes you smile. A name that perhaps you call someone you love or a name you always wished you’d been called.

2.  I’m writing to you because:

Fill in why you feel it’s important to share these feelings. What is the motivation to tell yourself you love you?   What do you hope to heal, manifest, awaken?

3.  These are the 10 things I love about you most:

I want you to write at least 10 things that you love about yourself.  And I want you to go into detail about each one.

Include simple things that you love about yourself, the quirky, imperfect parts of yourself.  Also, things that you do for yourself for others and for the planet.

And most importantly I want you to say why you love these things.  

How do these things make the world a better place, how do they brighten your day, the lives of others? Do they simply make you feel good, or make you or someone smile ?

4.  Say Thank You:

End your letter by saying Thank You to you for all that you do.

5.  Find a Special Place:

Place your letter in a special envelope in a special place maybe at your altar.

6. Read Your Letter:

Once you have finished your letter, I want you to sit down with complete focus and no distractions and read your letter.


7.  Feel Your Words.  

Breath in and breath out.  I want you to feel the love in the words moving into your heart. Read it many times.  Maybe every day.  Read it until you can really drink it in. Feel that self- love in every cell.

8. Release Self Judgement:

If self-doubt or negative self-talk sneaks in, use your breath to Exhale and Surrender.

9. Connect to your heart:

Feel all the love that you have expressed moving into your heart and feel your entire being expanding with that great love.

10. Merge with the Great Heart:

Imagine a brilliant lotus flower blossoming at your heart.  

As you inhale feel the flower blooming as you breathe in self-love.

Exhale feel the love in your heart spreading out to all beings everywhere.  Feel yourself merging with the great love, the grand maha love that is all that is.

Here’s to you,  



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