Featured Teacher: Chris Temple

featured teacher: chris temple

How accountability helped me turn from zero to hero.

The truth is we are all already heroes, but with that said, we aspire to things and make goals for ourselves to better ourselves or our lives in some way. If you’re anything like me, sometimes you make a goal or set a resolution and it kind of dissolves into the ether. 

One of the greatest gifts that came to me around the time of the pandemic was my accountability team. My mentees and I created a Sadhana support group. The way the group works is that you submit a daily time lapse recording of your Sadhana.  Whatever it is you are working on; Pranayama, mantra asasa or meditation. When you send your recording, everyone sees it and usually will, at least, send a loving emoji or even make a comment on the sent video. 

If you aren’t going to do your Sadhana you MUST tell everyone that you are skipping that night. No judgment at all. It just takes on a different value when you need to admit to another soul seeker that you are not doing what you said you were going to do. Now we are human and cut ourselve’s some slack. We plan to take at least one or two nights off a week. 

Well! Let me tell you that it has helped each other so much. My sadhana included Eka Pada Rajakapotasana and it has come along very nicely. What has been even more inspiring is watch my accountability team advance in their practice. From arm balances to backbends to learning mantras & breath work techniques. It has really been a joy to be a part of it all.

Here is our formula to succeeding in our practice.

1. Have a goal. Meditation, a pose, a mantra etc. Keep it right sized and doable. Try for a 15 minute practice to get started.
2. Create a calendar or spreadsheet to check off days that you have and haven’t practiced your sadhana. Saying you are practicing every day and seeing it on a calendar often create a different reality.
3. Get an accountability team in create a what’sapp or other text group
4. Send in daily practice videos.

Have fun with it!!!! Shoot for the stars.

We want what everybody wants. To accomplish the things that we say we are going to accomplish.

If you want to go fast travel alone. if you want to get get where you are going travel together. African Proverb.

Let me know what you come up with and if you have any questions let me know.

Namaste Friends.

Chris Temple

PS: Below shows where my pigeon pose is now. Still a work in progress but I’m happy with the journey.

PS: If you want to see what my most recent Sadhana is CLICK HERE

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