Featured Alumni: Mindy Touzani

featured Alumni: Mindy Touzani

Where has Yoga taken you?


Yoga totally opened me up and helped grant myself further permission into the deep dive of becoming more of myself. That deeper self connection helped me create healthier relationships with others as well. Yoga taught me inner and outer strength, flexibility, connection, and the power of energetics. Through consistent observation of my life and others, I’ve definitely noticed all elements of yoga playing out (it’s quite fascinating).

How did your yoga teacher training experience influence your life?  

Since completing yoga teacher training at Sonic in 2016, my sense of knowing that I’m meant to be a lifetime entrepreneur was renewed. Soon after graduation I started my online business and mindset coaching and have successfully helped thousands of women (and a few men) start and grow their health & wellness coaching businesses with the power of social media.

Personally, going through the teacher training at Sonic was also such a gift for my health. I had been silently struggling with painful symptoms and diagnoses (that have been completely transformed). Connecting with everyone in the group was so powerful and I know we were all there with a divine assignment.

In early 2021, me, my husband and two dogs moved from the NYC area to Austin, TX so we could work from home and live with much more space, be at a more easy-going pace and have an abundance of nature. That move shifted my passion into being a Realtor again – so now I’ve spiritually aligned to helping high vibe people within the luxury housing market and loving the #ATX lifestyle.

What was your first yoga class experience?

It was love at first yoga class as I remember surrendering into my mat, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I believe it was because I had finally found such a feeling of safety and actually feeling home in my body. Of course I kept moving and flowing with the group, the teacher came over and made sure I was “ok”. Looking back, it must’ve been the “maharishi effect” of everyone in the room connecting and energetically lifted in union. I was hooked on the magic of feeling so connected with myself and others as we all flowed in rhythm from the cues of our teacher’s voice.

Here are a few of my favorite yoga class memories at Sonic:

Joanna’s feminine flow and spirituality helped me infuse more fun and flow into my life (so I’m not too energetically masculine or constricted). I’ve also followed the moon cycles ever since.

Yoga Nidra with Jeffrey was incredibly healing and is still one of my favorite meditation practices.

Lauren’s Kundalini classes helped me see how much I love breath work. I continue to use pranayama to leverage my mind, mood and give my body the breakthroughs it needs daily.

I’m forever grateful, thank y’all!

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