Featured Teacher: Emma Preiss

Astrology is fun. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s nice to have a reason why you behave the way you do, look the way you do, and even sleep the way you do. The ayurvedic doshas are similar. Each dosha–Vata, Pitta, and Kapha–is made up of two elements. Vata: air and space, Pitta: fire and water, Kapha: water and earth. You are made up of your own specific ratio of all three. Similar to astrological signs, doshas are associated with your personality and constitution. Your ratio describes the way you think, act, speak, and feel.

During my 200hr teacher training, we all sat down and took a test to determine our doshic recipes. A partner would answer the questions to make it as objective as possible. My constitution was determined to be mostly Vata, followed by a healthy dose of Pitta. Vata people are creative and adaptable, much like the air and space that define them. Not bad so far. They also tend to be more anxious, have weird sleep habits, dry skin, and a rambling, lose-the-plot-when-they-speak (or write) sort of vibe…It got personal. Even though most of us lean one direction on the doshic scale, we’re most at peace when our doshas are relatively balanced. “Weaknesses” become more apparent when there’s more of one in comparison to the remaining two. When you start to feel the symptoms of Disproportionate Dosha Disease, don’t freak out. Unlike having our destiny fixed in the stars, we can use doshas to help determine what’s out of whack and to prescribe a treatment plan of sorts.

For those whose cups overfloweth with that good Vata energy, fall and winter can be agitating.

January was no exception. This is a list I’m sure you’ve seen ten times over, but here are a few things that have helped me recently:

1. My yoga practice. Specifically my physical practice. You had to expect it. Legally it’s required to be on here. In all seriousness, finding some form of movement everyday is probably the thing that calms me down most. Not stressing about whether you’re getting into a group class or not, but exploring your sadhana or some other form of moving meditation.

2. Alternate nostril breathing. I’ve been told it’s balancing and I’m starting to believe it.

3. Connecting with friends/family especially when things are busy. Getting coffee, phone call, whatever. It helps me keep my feet on the ground and head out of the clouds.

4. And finally– MELATONIN for the weird sleep habits and AQUAPHOR for the dry skin:)

Photos: Caroline Alarcón Loor