Staying in the Present Moment

Fall is a season of transition, and often that brings a great deal of excitement and movement to both mind and body.This can be wonderful as we begin to recommit to our Yoga practice, dive deeper into our to-do list, get back on track with work and embark on creating new projects.

But if we lose sight of our practice and allow the doing to consume us, the busyness of Fall may lead to overwhelm, confusion and stress.

I’d like to share with you a simple yet powerful Mudra practice to help you stay in the present moment and help you move through the Fall transition with ease and grace.

Dharmadatu Mudra – Gesture of Tranquility

Dharmadatu refers to the state of a purified mind, free of conditioning. It is the essential nature of the mind that has been purified through the spiritual practice. Dharmadatu Mudra is also called the Cosmic Mudra and is commonly used in Zen Buddhist Meditation. 

This mudra allows breath, awareness, and energy to flow naturally along the entire front of the body, instilling a steady calm rhythm in the breath which serves as a natural point of focus on which the mind can rest.  This Mudra cultivates an experience of ease and serenity which supports the process of observation and witnessing. With greater stillness, we naturally experience the inherent silence of our true being allowing us to settle into the present moment and a deep state of peace. 

This mudra:

  • Supports us in becoming the witness and observing thoughts and feelings during meditation and time of stillness.
  • Reduces stress and calms the nervous system.
  • Helps to integrate body, breath, senses and the mind.
  • Keeps us focused and allows us to stay in the present moment

To Practice:

  1. Rest the left hand onto the lap, with the palm facing upward.
  2. Rest the back of the right hand onto the palm of the left hand.
  3. Touch the tips of the thumbs gently together, forming an oval shape.
  4. Relax the shoulders down the back and down, with the elbows slightly away from the body and the spine aligned. 

Please join me for a Fall Equinox Meditation where to will explore simple yet powerful practices to support you during this powerful transition.We look forward to seeing you at the studio to help you deepen your practice during this sacred juncture of the year.

Many Blessings,
