Our entire physical practice lies within the relationship of inhales and exhales. We inhale to lengthen, we exhale to fold. We inhale to expand, exhale to contract. We inhale to reach, we exhale to go deeper. 

Walking into Sonic, on my first visit and every time after, both as a teacher and a student, has always felt like an inhale. From my first 5-minute downward facing dog (which, to be honest, went rather poorly for me), I was shown a way of practicing that I had not been exposed to before. There was a grit from both Keith and every student in the room, that I had not experienced in a studio before. I was excited by being surrounded by students so focused and determined, and I inhaled. 

With an endless supply of knowledge from all of Sonic’s teachers, what we can access through practice is limitless. There has been, and always will be space for any practitioner to expand their reach and continue to grow with no bounds. 

While continuing on the mission to reach and expand our knowledge, we must continue to explore. An inhale cannot exist without its exhale. As we contract, we turn inwards. We watch, we observe, we grow and set up to find even more space to reach. Keep learning, keep growing. Keep nourishing. 

Sonic on the inhale, explore through the exhale. 

Thank you,