Where has Yoga taken you?
Yoga has taken me back home to myself, my truth and intuition, time and time again. Through many challenges and rock bottom moments, Yoga is the life raft I have clung to. Through moments of joy and peace, it has allowed me to truly tap into those feelings. Through all experiences life throws at us, Yoga is what allows me to be alive for it all. It is what reminds me how to breathe.
How did your yoga teacher training influence your life?  
My 200 hour yoga teacher training that I took at Sonic was the first time I was surrounded by other
people who were as enamored by yoga as I was. We each had our own reasons and experiences but
we connected over how deeply Yoga impacted our lives. Connecting with the other students and teachers allowed me to feel understood; like someone else finally spoke the language the rest of the world had told me was foreign, strange and wrong. I have gone on to do other layers of trainings since my first at Sonic, but it is the teachings and community at Sonic that laid my foundation and that I keep coming back to. This is because of the integrity, depth and compassion that Sonic emanates. This is because of the emphasis on both community and self knowledge that underlies all they do.
What was your first yoga class experience?
I don’t remember finding yoga, I remember yoga finding me. I don’t remember going to my first class or watching my first video online. I only remember rolling out a mat, and starting to instinctually move my body. It was the first time I remember feeling like something was meant for me, like I could understand myself and my purpose on earth a little clearer. It was like Yoga had entered my body… It was a remembering, a coming home. Yoga has become the foundation of my life, where all else stems from.
I no longer think of Yoga as a class I’m taking or a pose I’m working on, it is a way of being. It is an embodiment.