Commitment by Lauren Hanna, Founder of Sonic Yoga 

In the Bhagavad Gita, the best known and one of the most important Indian Scriptures, Lord Krishna speaks to Arjuna his disciple and says “Success in Yoga is extremely difficult if you cannot control the mind. But if you persist and earnestly strive for realization using the right methods, you will certainly be successful” 6.36

This teaching is one of the most basic tenants of Yoga. If we put effort in, we will attain our goals.   For many of you, you are practicing at a drop-in class once or twice per week. Some of you are even visiting the studio or taking online classes 3 or 4 days per week. This is wonderful and wherever you are in your practice, you should be proud of your commitment. 

You are at the stage in your Yoga practice, (and we call it a practice not only because we are not expected to be perfect at it but to emphasize that we are always in practice, working towards mastery.) where you have begun to reap the amazing benefits of Yoga and you are committed.

We also call it practice because it requires active participation both physically and mentally, ideally daily attention and effort to attain your goals in Yoga.

I invite you to act now to step it up a notch.  Why not, the New Year is almost here, it’s the perfect time to commit to taking your Yoga practice to the next level. 

Perhaps consider a commitment to a daily practice for 30 days and see what evolves from there? 

If you ARE NOT already a Monthly Unlimited VIP Member, take advantage of our 

Membership special until Jan. 10th.  Sign up and get your 2nd month FREE.

If you ARE already a monthly member, perhaps it’s time to explore our Sonic Yoga Teacher Training and dive deep into all things Yoga.

No matter where you are at in your practice, keep your eye on the prize.  A myriad of blessings await you on this path.

I honor you and look forward to witnessing your progress.

Happy Holidays, Many Blessings, and Love,
