by Lauren Hanna, Founder of Sonic Yoga


We will be celebrating the Spring Equinox at 11pm on March 19th. The sacred juncture of the year where we experience the transition from winter to spring and the halfway point between darkness and light. 

It’s such a beautiful time to be alive, to experience the days growing longer and the sun shining warmer. Just as the dormant buds are harnessing their energy to bloom, now is the perfect time to awaken your inner strength and power.

A student was recently going through a challenging time and reached out to me for practices to help her step into her power. This is such an important teaching, so many of us go through periods where our light gets dim, and we feel powerless over our lives.

Luckily, there is an abundance of practices from the Yoga tradition that are designed to help ignite our inner fire and awaken the power within and spring is the perfect time to experiment! 

Some of my favorites for Spring are:

*Ego Eradicator Kriya 

This is a powerful breathwork practice from the Kundalini tradition. It purifies and awakens the power of the Manipura (3rd Chakra) See details below


*108 Core Abdominals

I do this practice each spring to stoke the inner fire and awaken the power and courage of the 3rd chakra.  The intention is do 108 of any core abdominal exercise EVERY DAY for 35 days until the Full moon on April 23rd! 

*Durga Mantra

Durga is the warrior goddess, she is steadfast and powerful. Chant this mantra to awaken the fierce goddess energy.

Om Dum Dum Durgayei Namaha (Link: https://soundcloud.com/soniclauren/mantra-for-ma-durga?si=ac27a3de97874f41af6a317e3aff8e5d&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)

Let’s connect and explore the practice of Empowerment! 

Please join me for a Free Spring Equinox Meditation Call March 19th at 8pm EST:

Embrace Your Power: A Meditation on the Spring Equinox with Lauren Hanna, Founder Sonic Yoga + Sacred Fertility Yoga Join Lauren for a meditation on Empowerment to jump start your entry into Spring. Together we will explore practices to ignite your energy, expand your field and embrace your power!  *Free for all followers of Sonic Yoga and Sacred Fertility Yoga. **If you cannot make the live call register to receive the Replay

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkc-mhrz4uG9YbYF010gPzu-CcDiYq9uuu

Ego Eradicator Kriya

1. Practice the Ego Eradicator Kriya daily upon rising to shift your mindset, awaken your inner power and energize your day

When I practice this Kriya I like to focus on clearing out the toxins and negative energy from all parts of the self.

1. I start by visualizing toxins from my physical body being removed and activating my physical power. 

2. Then I imagine any disturbing emotions being calmed and cleared and awakening my powerful emotions. 

3. Next I focus on any stagnation or negativity in my mind being purged and opening to empowered thoughts. 

4 And finally, I surrender any resistance or distractions to my spiritual growth and feel the empowered connection to spirit. 

2. To Practice:  

The practice can be done in Sukasana or Virasana. Raise the arms up to a 60-degree angle, creating a V for victory. Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Drop the chin to the chest and lift the chest to the chin. 

Curl the fingertips on to the pads of the palms at the base of the fingers. Thumbs are stretched back, pointing towards each other. Eyes are closed, and focus is at the crown chakra above the head. 

Begin to pump the diaphragm, practicing bhastrika or breath of fire. Strong sharp rhythmic inhale exhale through the nose like a bellows. Begin by pumping for 1 min and build up to 3 min per day and eventually to 11 minutes. 

To end the practice inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumb tips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down. Option to retain the breath in Maha Bhanda locking the pelvic floor, naval center and throat. Exhale deeply and let the radiant glow wash over you! 

©The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan


This practice is wonderful for clearing out stagnation and awakening inner radiance. 

The Ego Eradicator also expands your lung capacity consolidates your magnetic field, increases vital energy, clears your mind, balances and restores your nervous system and brings your brain hemispheres to a state of alertness. 

It helps to release negativity and blockages, awakens your strength, works on the ego and opens the heart center. 

The result is feeling empowered,  energized and open towards ourselves, others and life in general. It prepares us to face the challenges of our day with courage and a radiant glow in our heart. 

Contraindications: Pregnancy, menstruation.