At last, March has arrived the month of transition that takes us from winter to spring. This Sunday the clocks will move forward the days will get longer, and the outer light will brighten.
Although, this is most always a welcoming time for many, it does come with its challenges as change often does.
Take your time to marinate in the last few days of winter. Be in the darkness open to whatever it holds for you. Stay steady and allow yourself to surrender.
This time of transition is a sacred time to shed the layers of darkness and to open to manifesting the light within.
Spring is coming; she will carry you on her back from that place of darkness to light. Each time we move through this cycle, we grow closer to our spiritual awakening. Trust in the process. Allow it to unfold and be present in each moment.
My dear teacher Amrit Desai used to say to us “learn to experience all sensations as if they are one”. I still ponder these words to this day. I know that life shifts and changes, I know that nature is our guide. And I thank the universe that I have the tools of my Yoga practice to keep me safe and steady as I allow my life to unfold.
In this season of balance and awakening, let us find inspiration in nature’s resilience and beauty. As we step into the light of spring, may we carry forward the quiet wisdom of winter, blooming brightly into the months ahead.
Join me for a Meditation on the Spring Equinox March 19th at 8pm EST
Try this simple version of Nadi Shodhana pranayama technique to keep your nervous system in balance during this time of transition:
Please find your seat, and work with the pranayama exercises as outlined below:
Simple Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Begin with your palms resting open upward facing on the top of your thighs. As you inhale spread and expand your fingers, as you exhale gently close your fist. Inhale, expand the fingers, exhale contract into a gentle fist. Create a vinyasa linking your breath to your movement. Breathe slowly and purposefully. Allow
the mind to empty. Repeat for 9 to 18 rounds.
Begin the alternate nostril technique. Rest your palms open on your thighs. Close the right fist but keep the left fist open. Inhale through the left nostril and gently close the left fist, pause the breath with both fists closed. Open the right fist releasing the breath out. Inhale through the right as you close the right fist. Pause the breath with both fists closed. Exhale through the left nostril as you open the left fist.
Repeat for 9 – 18 rounds. As long as it is comfortable begin to rest in the pause & observe. Find a comfortable rhythm with no strain or discomfort. Relax into the breath.