BACK TO THE ROOTS by lauren hanna, founder of sonic yoga

The idea was sparked by an interview that I had on IG Live with Yoga Love Magazine.  I was asked how the NY Yoga studio experience has changed since Sonic Yoga first opened its doors over 21 years ago.

 In 2002, social media barely existed. It wasn’t until 2004 that FB even started.  For our grand opening we advertised by putting posters up on the poles around Hell’s Kitchen.  

People were drawn to Yoga through word of mouth and community.  The studio lounge was a large space with a tea stand and a book library. People would hang out after class drink tea, connect, and talk about Yoga. 

Classes were 90 minutes long.  That was the norm.  There was plenty of time for asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting and even a dharma talk.

Today classes have been shortened to 45 to 60 minutes at most studios.  I’m not going to blame social media, but for sure technology has changed the way we live and for many of us we are busier than ever.

The Yoga we see on social media is very physically oriented. It only scratches the surface of this deep ancient tradition.  It makes sense since most social apps are visually oriented. One can’t see philosophy, meditation, or some of the more subtle limbs.  One needs to experience them. 

The great thing about this shift towards social media and Technology, is that we have access to so much information.  The answer to every question is at our fingertips.  The downside is we are often too busy to take it in. 

Yoga is a deep ancient tradition.  There are over 5000 years of wisdom. 

Since classes have been shortened there really is not a space for it to be shared. 

Keith and I thought it might be nice to go back to the roots of Yoga and share some of this wisdom with you all.  The goal is that you will become thirsty for more knowledge and that we can begin to return class times to 90 minutes and include the deeper wisdom teachings of Yoga once again. 

Please join Keith and I for Back to the Roots a conversation about Yoga, Mondays at 12:30pm EST on Sonic Yoga’s IG LIVE .

Can’t wait to connect with you all LIVE,

Many Blessings,


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