Are You Ready to Manifest? by Lauren Hanna, Founder

I think we are all ready to say goodbye to 2023 and prepare for a fresh start in 2024.  We are ready to get rid of all that is not serving us and step into the power of manifesting our deepest desires.  Join me for the Sacred Mindset Manifesting Challenge.  We begin on the next new moon,  January 12th! 

As Yogis on the path, we recognize to create something new, to make the rebirth happen we must first release, let go or dissolve the imprints that this year has made on us.

The key is to recognize that this energy exists, acknowledge it, and then take action to clear it from your field. Once you clear you are ready to send your intentions out to the Universe! 

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We all carry energy in our field from our life experiences. Some of it is beautiful and other is the stuff that holds us back, makes us sad and prevents us from moving forward.  2023 has laid some strong impressions on us all. 

An important distinction to make is to realize that you are not that negative energy. You are pure light, love, and bliss.  And that dark energy has just attached itself to you. It’s important to not let it define you and to see it as separate from your true self. 

If you experience sadness, you are not sadness. You are pure love light and bliss who has the energy of sadness in your field. 

All that you need to do to re-set is to purify and clear it. Consciously release and ask the Universe to support you as you let it go. 

My favorite purification practice every winter has been cold water plunging.  I know it sounds crazy. In addition to being a major serotonin booster, it can also be an effective way to wash your field clean. 

The key is that you must set an intention before you plunge.  Ask permission and request that the water remove the darkness in your field, the stagnant stuff that no longer serves you. Just imagine it washing off your body and being transformed by the water.  

If you don’t have access to a body of water to plunge in, here are some other options to purify your field. Remember Nature is our greatest healer. 

Remember to always begin by requesting that the Universe support you in releasing the heaviness and cleaning your field.  Exhale out as you let go of any negative experiences, thoughts, or emotions.  Stay present until you feel the energy lighten.  Always say Thank You.

Cold Water Shower:  Stand under the shower in the coldest water you can tolerate.

Earth Release: Lie on the earth and release into the ground.

Hug A Tree: Hold onto a tree and release into its trunk.

You might have to repeat these practices daily to stay clear. Stay tuned in. Whenever you feel heavy, sad, or stagnant, just repeat as often as necessary. 

 I guarantee it you will feel lighter and clearer and be ready to MANIFEST in 2024!

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With Love + Power, 
