Ritual Practices to Honor the Fall Equinox

By Lauren Hanna, Founder of Sonic Yoga

We are approaching the fall equinox, a pivotal moment in the wheel of the year. This sacred juncture, which will occur on Sunday, September 22nd, invites us to pause and reflect on the balance of light and dark, a perfect metaphor for the balance we seek in our own lives.

For those looking to explore the integration of ritual into your own lives more deeply, I highly recommend considering our Sonic Yoga Teacher Training program. This life changing experience emphasizes the importance of rituals in daily life and provides tools to incorporate these practices effectively. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or a beginner, our program will illuminate how the science of Ayurveda and intentional rituals can transform your yoga practice and overall well-being.

The fall equinox marks a time of harvest, reflection, and preparation for the waning months ahead. In many cultures, it is a time to give thanks for the bounty of the earth and to contemplate what we wish to bring forth in the coming months. This moment of balance is an opportunity to connect more deeply with our spiritual energy, allowing us flow through the ups and downs of life with ease. 

Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, teaches us to align our lives with the rhythms of nature. There are three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—each representing different elements and energies. Understanding our dosha can help us choose rituals that will bring us back into balance during this transition.

1. **Vata** (Air and Ether): As the fall air becomes cooler and drier, Vata can become aggravated. Grounding practices such as warm, nurturing foods, meditation, and gentle yoga can help soothe this energy.

In my own life, I’ve found that incorporating ritual practices helps me stay grounded, centered, and present, especially during seasonal transitions like the fall equinox. Simple rituals such as journaling my intentions, creating a seasonal altar, or star gazing at the clear night sky, can provide comfort and clarity. These practices not only enrich my spiritual journey but also empower me to manifest my desires.

One of my favorite fall rituals is to visit our local farm stands abundant with fall fruits and vegetables and to cook some warming grounding soup to start off the season.  This ritual connects me to the earth and helps me express gratitude for the abundance around me.

I’m also passionate about sharing these experiences with my daughter. She often asks to return to the same seasonal rituals year after year, as they provide her with comfort and familiarity. These repeated practices foster a sense of security and connection to nature, helping her understand the cycles of life and the importance of gratitude.

Here are some ideas for Fall Rituals to incorporate into your day:

  • Daily Morning Sadhana: Create a daily routine.  Start your day in a healthy manner. Connect to spirit, meditate, talk to the trees, gaze at the sunrise, watch the clouds.  Massage your body, or Reiki yourself, focus on your breath.  Light a candle or sage.  Create a ceremony or a morning gratitude practice.  Or sit at your altar in formal meditation.

Choose a practice that feels right for you.  

As we embrace the fall equinox, let us take this time to reflect, set intentions, and incorporate the healing practices of Ayurveda and ritual into our daily lives. By doing so, we can move through life with more grace and ease, fostering a deeper connection to our spiritual energy and empowering ourselves to manifest abundance.

Join me for a meditation to honor the Fall Equinox on Monday Sept. 23rd at 8pm 

May this season of change bring you comfort, joy, and a profound sense of balance. Happy fall equinox!