The Power of Creation by Lauren Hanna, Founder of Sonic Yoga

Creativity is one of the powerful gifts of Yoga. It is the first phase of the Karmic cycle and aligned with the potency of birth.

We all have the ability to manifest and to create.  Crafting or building something with our mind, body and soul is a beautiful way to awaken our inner creative energy. 

The experience of manifesting something that we have made, whether through music, painting, photography, dance, design, or any medium, is the doorway to open our inner ability to manifest our dreams.  

It allows us to connect to the inner divine current that is unlimited and abundant. 

One of the beautiful gifts of becoming a Yoga Teacher is creating a transformational experience for yourself or for your students.  Join us this fall for the Sonic Yoga Teacher Training Program

We all have the innate ability to create !  It is inherent within us.

And our creation muscle can be strengthened by exercising it. 

I experienced a powerful shift in my ability to create a couple of years ago.

For years I have been yearning to make art, yet I had been so busy with life that I had not made the time. I was also a bit overwhelmed with trying to decide what medium to choose.

After years of making excuses, I finally signed up for a workshop in Montauk. I choose a ceramics workshop because the dates worked for me and a friend of a friend was teaching.

In the end I realized it doesn’t matter which medium I chose, what matters is that I had opened up the door to my inner creativity.  

Once enrolled in the ceramics, I found myself crafting art in all areas of my life.

I got back to exploring macramé as I did as a child.  

I spent time making watercolors with my daughter on the beach.

My cooking and gardening became more creative.

I began singing more and learning to play the piano. 

It was amazing how just one week of art could create such a profound shift in how I moved through my life.

Just as we do in Yoga, when we enter into the artistic process we first open ourselves to experimentation, which requires great courage and curiosity. 

Making art can be guided by our emotions.  

We set ourselves up to momentarily fail; we learn to be patient and disciplined.  

We find ways to accept what is and be present with the unfolding.

Creating requires us to be mindful and present. It demands that we focus inward, let go of our control and allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition. 

When working in my ceramics class I found myself present in such a thoughtful way.  It was so healing to pound, carve and mold the clay with my hands.

I went in with no agenda and just let the process of creating wash over me. I did my best to practice non-judgment and to not get attached, just as I do in my Yoga practice.

I spent just 12 or so hours working on my ceramics, yet I experienced a profound shift in my mood and my way of relating to the world around me.

I also found that the quality of both my meditation and Yoga practice was greatly enhanced.  

I felt more present more inspired and just plain happier.

I felt more empowered to manifest my dreams ! 

Many of you who are reading this are artists yourselves and can totally relate to what I am saying.  

The truth is that we are all artists.  

We all have the potential to create.

So,I encourage you to dive in and make some art, grow something, enjoy the process, release into the flow and let the creativity wash over your life.


1. Sit down at your altar.

2. Focus inward

3. Contemplate your relationship with your creativity.

4. What feels most natural to you? What are you drawn towards creating?

5. Is there something you’ve been wanting to create but have been putting off ? Now is the time !

6. Make a plan of how you will add the practice of Creating into your life !

7. Write it down in your journal and dive in !

Here are some ideas to begin to create:

1. Spontaneous Writing:  Anyone can do this just commit yourself to writing in your journal every day.  It doesn’t have to be creative writing although it can be, just write from your heart and let your inner voice flow !

2.  Plant Something: Growing a plant from seed and watching it grow and thrive is a powerful practice of creating.  Start with something simple like sunflowers. In fact, if you start now you can transfer your sunflower into an outside pot in a couple of months !

3. Re-Decorate Your Home:  Look around the space that you live in. Are you inspired by what you see? Take some time to re-decorate and brighten up your space. Use your creativity with color, paint, fabric to reflect your current Sacred Mindset.

4. Sign Up for an Art or Music Course: Check out your local art, music school, adult education class or YouTube tutorial. Sign up and learn to express yourself in a new and creative way. Release all judgement, begin at the beginning and enjoy !

5. Create New Recipes: We all have to eat, and cooking can be creative. If you are in a slump. Search out some recipes, try something from a cuisine you have never cooked before.  Experiment with new ingredients and create something nourishing and delicious !

6. Become a Sonic Yoga Teacher

I guarantee that this practice is going to free your inner creativity and open doors for you to create the life that you love !

With love + expression,
