The Yoga tradition teaches us that we are all Satchitananda, truth, consciousness, and bliss… Yet, why do we not see ourselves as the Universe sees us as pure love and perfection?
When we humans look at our lives our perceptions are limited by our physical bodies, having our earthly experiences in this human lifetime. So, from a human perspective we see imperfection. We often feel that something is wrong or missing.
Yet when we have a chance to view our true essence from the perspective of Brahman or Spirit, we see a different picture.
By our very nature as manifestations of the divine source, our true essence is eternal wholeness, eternal wellness, and eternal goodness. At the soul level this is always true.
As is often said, “we are divine beings in physical bodies, having human experiences on this planet.”
One of the greatest paradoxes of the spiritual journey is that at the soul level you are perfect in every way, yet in your current physical form you may be suffering from some real limitations such as mental or physical illness, financial hardship, or relationship issues.
As you walk your spiritual path, you are asked to hold yourself within these seemingly conflicting truths., so while your infinite soul is perfect, your finite human self might be suffering.
One way to reconcile this paradox is to realize that these two truths exist simultaneously in two different dimensions. The soul level truth of perfection exists in the invisible inner dimension and the physical truth of suffering exists in the visible external dimension.
These two truths coexist until you leave your physical body and become entirely spirt at the end of your lifetime.
Understanding this spiritual paradox allows us to see that human suffering is not an indictment of the soul but is the experience that we are destined to encounter as humans to learn to love ourselves and for our souls to evolve.
One of the ways to access the soul level truth is to explore the AKASHIC RECORDS.
The Records shed light on this truth, and they help us remember and internalize it, so we don’t stay caught up in the illusion of self-criticism and judgement.
An Akashic Records reading allows us to see ourselves as we are seen known and loved by the Universe as essentially pure and sound.
The Akashic Records is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibratory record of each soul throughout its journey. As such, the Akashic Records constitute an experiential body of knowledge containing everything that each soul has thought, said, and done throughout its existence, as well as all its future possibilities. Used with integrity and responsibility, the Akashic Records can facilitate healing, growth, and transformation.
A reading of your Records can get rid of old beliefs and perceptions and can replace them with forgiveness and healing. By accessing the Akashic Records, you will identify, release and nurture all that you have created in this lifetime. You will see how the creation of your current situation or karma started and how to unwind and heal the past so you can create something new. From this understanding, you will learn to create action in your life instead of re-action.
In the reading the Records will help you have a deeper understanding of who you are, and what you can do to become your greatest self and awaken to the pure perfection of your soul.
If you would like to experience a reading, please use the code Sonic25 at check out for a 25% discount on your first session. Sign Up Here
Many Blessings,