Find a Way or Make One By Keith Partington

This practice that we all love needs a direction to flourish. It must be aimed somewhere. Without aim, it becomes mere activity, where it can be about far reaching development. Of an idea. Of a lifestyle change. Of mending relationships. Of fulfilling potential. Of understanding yourself and all that surrounds you. Without aim — intention — you’re skipping the most important element in a yoga practice, according to all source texts.

Source! That’s really the topic here. Where did yoga begin for you? The real beginning. Not the first class you took, but the events that led you to seek out that first class, or agree with someone else’s idea to take one. Why did you seek it? Or agree to the opportunity? If we try and answer that, we keep reaching further back into our timelines as we reflect. On what brought about each successive decision or reaction, to the one that led you to grab on to and follow the thread of this practice.

Ok, but why even look into this? Why not? There is identity — upbringing, circumstances that shape us, degrees, job titles, etc — and then there is self. We’re looking for self not because we can’t find its location, but rather because it’s often buried. Under all we were taught — intentionally and otherwise — all we were led toward and away from in our upbringing. This shapes our identity, but can obscure our authentic nature.

When you find your Self, you find your aim. Not the aim others laid out for you. Yours. So, why did you start practicing yoga?

Hari Om


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