I think everyone should become a yoga teacher… BY ARTHUR PORTER

I think everyone should become a yoga teacher just for the rollercoaster of a journey it is.

The evolution of doing something like someone who inspired you to doing something like yourself.

The change from being unconfident about your ability to lead a group of people to leading full rooms of people.

Finding the words, you need to say to effectively communicate how to put someone’s body into a pretzel.

Learning about the bodies anatomy so you don’t injure people.

Learning to leave space for people share emotions.

Learning how to not let your own emotions impact the service you are there to provide or how using them to enhance the service.

All those things are big things and 100 percent change who you are as a person fundamentally. and that’s just a few of them.

And there are small things like those little yoga affirmations too,

I’m constantly telling people to “take a deep breath” and because those words pass my lips so often, I actually do it. I can’t tell you how many time the thought “Deep Breath” has saved me from turning into a T-rex.

I think about how many little tools teaching yoga has given me and how much I think I needed them for my life. I see the strength, grace, and growth, (I’m currently working on discipline lol) teaching yoga has given me and I’m excited to see where and how I can implement those tools in other areas of my life.

If you have the slight tickle to get started on this journey trust yourself.

It’s scary, it makes you vulnerable, it’s humbling, its challenging, it’s creative…

 It’s a real good time.

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